School re-opening on Monday 15th March!
Dear parents,
I hope that you are keeping well!
School re-opening on Monday 15th March!
Our plans for the re-opening of the Senior School are proceeding at pace, and we are very much looking forward to seeing the children back in school, face to face next Monday.
We are delighted to see how well our children in the Junior School have already settled back to life in school, and we are confident that the return to school for our Senior School pupils will be every bit as successful!
Preparations for School Re-Opening
We have been busy preparing the building and classrooms physically for the return of pupils and staff alike. We have also updated our policies and procedures, taking account of changes recommended by Public Health and the Department of Education.
I have shared these documents with parents on Aladdin.
The documents in question are:
- Updated Covid-19 Risk Assessment March 2021
- Plan for re-Opening School March 2021 (Parents)
For ease of viewing, the new changes or additions to the Plan for re-Opening School are highlighted in yellow text.
Parents asked not to congregate on school campus
As you may already be aware, the Department of Public Health are particularly concerned at the potential for spread of Covid-19 on arrival and dismissal of pupils to school. They are specifically asking parents accompanying children to school not to congregate on the school campus.
I would ask parents to read carefully the section in our Plan For re-Opening School that relates to Drop-off and Collection Routines which is contained on pages 4 and 5 of the document.
Return to School Declaration
An additional feature of the Plan for re-Opening School is that parents are asked to complete a Return to School Declaration confirming that their children is infection free and it is safe for him/her to return to school. The Return to School Declaration forms will automatically become available for parents to complete from Sunday 14th March at 3 pm on the Aladdin app.
We are very much looking forward to seeing children and staff back in school next week, and hope that this is definitely the last time we will have to work remotely!
Take care and continue to stay safe.
Enda McGorman