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Our School Musical: This is Us!

This is Us!

We have a very busy final term ahead of us in the Senior School. The highlight of this term will be our school show.

The Show itself

As you know, our school show will take place on Thursday the 3rd May, in the Community Centre in Setanta.

There is great excitement in the school, and rehearsals are in full swing. The children in each class level have been preparing with their teachers for the concert. Each class level has taken on songs from different musicals and adopted them for the concert:

Third class: The Lion king

Fourth class: Beauty and the Beast

Fifth class: School of Rock

Sixth class: We Will Rock You (by Queen)

As all of the children in the school are involved, we will have a cast of over 460 pupils- so we expect that it will be quite a production!

The Venue

Unfortunately, because of the poor acoustics and small capacity of the hall, we will not be able to use our local facility here in Littlepace.

However, we are very grateful to our neighbours in Coláiste Pobail Setanta / Phibblestown Community Centre who have given us the use of their wonderful community school facility to stage the concert. For this we are indeed very thankful. However, we can only secure the hall for one night only.

The time

The concert will take place on Thursday evening, the 3rd May at 7:30 pm in Scoil Setanta. Due to the limited capacity of the centre and for Health and Safety purposes, we will only be able to accommodate the parents of the children in the concert, as we will have a seating capacity of between 800 and 900 seats on the night

Rehearsals and costumes

Over the next few weeks, we will continue with our rehearsals and preparations. Teachers at the different class levels will be in touch shortly in relation to the costumes the children will need. During the week of the concert, we have the use of the hall in Setanta during the day on Wednesday for rehearsals and again on Thursday, the day of the performance.

The cost

We will be hiring a lighting rig and a complete sound system for the two days, covering the rehearsals and the concert itself. We will also have professional musicians assisting playing on the night and we also have a choreographer working with the children. We have worked hard to keep the cost of the production to a minimum- and will be asking parents to help us with costumes etc. in due course. Tickets will be sold on the basis of two per family and will cost €10 each. These will go on sale nearer the time.

Sponsorship Opportunities

We will also hold a Adverts in a programme: We will also be drawing up a programme for the concert and will be selling advertising spaces in the programme. We are asking parents to help us with these ads. If you have know of a business that would like to support the school- or have a business yourself- and would like to take out an ad, then please contact me in the school. A full page ad in the programme will be sold for €50.

We will have more information on this in due course. We are all very excited in the run-up to the concert, and hope that we will have your support and co-operation in making it a great success!

Enda McGorman Áine Fitzpatrick

Principal Deputy Principal


Dance rehearsals for 'This is Us!

Contact Us

Many Cultures, One Community.

 Mary Mother Of Hope SNS. 

Tel: 01 812 8693



Mary Mother Of Hope Senior National School, Littlepace, Dublin 15. Eircode D15 PH93

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