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Swimming Lessons for children in 4th and 6th Class

Following the success of recent years, we are continuing to offer swimming lessons to children in Mary, Mother of Hope Senior School, in line with the Aquatics Strand of the revised curriculum.

Swimming Lessons have been organized for children in Fourth and Sixth Class for five weeks, starting on Friday, 21st September. The children will be bussed to the Aquatics centre and back, and will be taught by instructors from the National Aquatic centre.

Cost of the Swimming Lessons

We are very conscious that times are difficult for families and have tried to keep the costs to an absolute minimum. The total cost for the five weeks, including transport and lessons, will be €20.

What your child will need

On the morning of swimming lessons, your child should be wearing the school tracksuit. They should have a bag or ruc-sack, separate to their school bag, containing the following:

  • A Towel

  • Swimming Cap

  • Swimming Costume

  • the children will be able to store their clothes in their swimming cubicles and will not need a locker.

  • Shampoo / Toiletries

Supervision of Children

The children will be under the supervision of Staff from the school whilst in transit to the Centre and whilst in the Aquatics Center. Aquatics centre staff will be responsible for the children whilst in the swimming pool. School staff will remain pool side in order to assist, should there be a need. As with all out of school activities, children will be expected to adhere fully to the school’s Code of Behaviour.

Swimming is an important life skill. We hope that by introducing it this year and developing it in future years, all the children in the school will develop a positive attitude to water and water safety. We wish to encourage every child to take part

Enda McGorman

11th September, 2018


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