Stay Safe Programme Information
There was a fantastic turn-out at the Stay Safe parent talk last night, literally with standing-room only for those in attendance!
The facilitator, Ms. Julie Down from the Child Abuse Prevention Programme (CAPP) gave an excellent presentation to parents.
The topic of child abuse prevention is not any easy one, but Ms. Dowd’s presentation was very clear, concise and reassuring.
Julie was joined at the meeting by the school principal, Mr. McGorman and by the assistant principal with responsibility for Social Personal and Health Education (SPHE) in the school, Ms. Martina Galligan.
We are very grateful to parents for their support in implementing the programme, and are particularly heartened at the turnout for the meeting last night- apologies to those who had to sit in the corridor!
If you were not able to attend, or would like to find out further information in relation to the programme, please check out the following links: