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Parents’ Association Activities

Dear parents,

Happy New Year to you all! We are writing to you to remind you of the importance of getting involved in the life of the school, particularly through the work of the Parents’ Association.

The Parent Association is a joint Association across both Junior and Senior Schools. As a parent of a child in our school you automatically become a member of our Parent Association.

Examples of PA activities –

  • Junior infants first day reception (refreshments provided in hall)

  • Junior infants welcome ceremony (assembling the love hearts for each child and refreshments in hall for parents)

  • IBM Science expo (1st-4th classes) (re

freshments for IBM & parent volunteers as well as support for IBM volunteers)

  • Christmas movie nights

  • Homework passes

  • Christmas PA coffee morning

  • Confirmation & Communion receptions

  • 2nd Class & 6th Class Graduation ceremonies (refreshments provided)

  • Grandparents day reception

  • Book Fair

The above are an examples of the many and varied activities which the Parents’ Association have been involved in. You will all, as parents, have attended some of these at some point yourselves. We are sure you will agree that they are a very important part of the life and work of the school.

In addition, the members of the Parents’ Association committee act in a very valuable advisory capacity, attending monthly meetings with ourselves, helping to plan the activities for the school year. They act as an invaluable support to us, as principals of both schools.

Throughout the year, the PA also supports the school with a number of fund-raising activities, which add greatly to the work of the school. In just the last year, these funds have paid for new iPads, the school garden, I.T. equipment, gym equipment, sensory equipment, and many more items, that hugely benefit all our children. These extremely important fund raising activities would not take place without the help of the Parent Association.

And so as we begin a new year, perhaps you might consider how you could offer your support to the Parents Association. There are many different ways in which you can help, and all are welcome to come on board!

If you feel you would like to help in any way, or would like further information, please text your details to Louise Cullen on the PA phone 086 4063419. Also there is a Facebook page which is a great source of information on updates about the schools. New parents are always welcome. It’s a great way to meet other parents and be involved in school events.

Meetings of the PA take place the first Friday of every month straight after drop off in Castaheany Community Centre. The next meeting is this Friday, the 11th January. If you are free, please come along to find out more about the work of the PA.

As principals of both schools, we are very keen to support the work of the PA, and would urge all parents to consider how they can become more involved in this valuable work.

Yours sincerely,

Alma Moran, Enda McGorman

7th January, 2019


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