Authors' Surprises!
Authour Shane Hegarty had a great surprise in store for Senan in Mr. Curtin’s class. Senan wrote to Shane inquiring about his writing and had lots of interesting questions for him. He got a great suprpise, when he not only got a letter back from his favourite author, but also got as singed copy of his book ‘Darkmouth’.
Author Andy Stanton equally had a surprise in store for Emmi Byrne, also in Mr. Curtin’s class. Andy relied to Emmi’s letter and gave her a copy his new book, Natboff- which hasn’t even been published yet! So this is a world exclusive for Emmi!
Interestingly, both pupils were coming back from the Library in Blanchardstown with their class when their surprises arrived in school!
Isn’t it fantastic the doors that a love of books can open!
Well done Emmi and Senan!