Confirmation Thanks!
Congratulations to all the boys and girls from 6th class who made the sacrament of Confirmation last Saturday.
We were extremely proud of each and every boy and girl on the day!
A huge thank you from the entire school community to everyone who helped out in organising Confirmation:
their teachers, Ms. Oakes, Ms. Horan, Ms. Boyle and Mr. Lally
Ms. Fitzpatrick and the Support Teachers at 6th class, Ms. Molloy and Ms. Greene
Thanks to Seanna our caretaker, to Niamh, Angela and all our SNAs for their help in getting the church set up, ironing the robes and getting all the art work down to the church.
Thanks to Marie for help in getting the booklet together and for all the administrative support
Thanks to all the parish team involved in helping prepare the children for the day.
Congratulations to the choir, which is made up of children from Third to Sixth Class. The teachers accompanying the choir were Ms. Oakes, Mr. Lally and Mr. Sharpson. Their music was inspiring and drew great praise from Bishop Field.
Thanks to all in the Parents’ Association who support the school in so many ways and who provided the refreshments after Mass in the school in Huntstown.
It really was a whole-school effort, and the results were there for all to see!