Message from Mr. McGorman and Activities for the Week Ahead
Dear Parents,
I hope that you and your families are keeping safe and well.
I know that the past weeks have been challenging for everyone, not least for parents who are trying to keep as much normality in their homes for their children at a time that feels anything but normal.
As you know, the Department of Education and Skills have requested schools to remain closed in the short-term, and we have not received any indication as to when they will re-open. In these circumstances, we will continue to support our pupils to work at home to the best of their ability. We will continue to send out a set of activities for children at each class level, and will try to ensure a mix between online and offline learning.
I have sent a document which has contains all the activities for the week ahead for your child’s class through Aladdin Connect. Please note that you can log on to Aladdin Connect to access this work from other devices, such as PCs, laptops or other devices, by using their login details for Aladdin Connect. They can also access their work from the school website, again by using their Aladdin Connect login details.
I want to remind you and your child that this work is offered as a support while your child is away from school. I hope that your child is able to engage with the activities and work through them as best they can. If you find that this work is placing too much pressure on your child, it is perfectly ok to take a break from the work until a more suitable time. I know that you, as a parent, will be the best judge of that.
I have also attached a short video message for your child from me. Please share it with your child.
I hope that you and your family have a good week ahead.
Take care and stay safe.
Enda McGorman