Activities for the Week Ahead
Dear parents,
I hope that you are keeping well and that your child had a good mid-term break.
We are moving into the second half-term before Easter, and the indications are that we will be continuing with remote learning, in the short-term at least. I know how difficult it has been for families trying to stay positive during this phase of lockdown. And while the number of cases is on the decline, there is still a long journey to be travelled before society opens up again. However, there are indications that the government is seeking to prioritise the phased return to face-to-face learning in the coming weeks. We do not know the details, as yet, but I think it is reasonable to assume that we may be in the last few weeks of remote learning. So this gives us some reason to hope and be optimistic for the future- and there is nothing wrong with that!
I have sent the activities for the week ahead for your child on Aladdin, as well as a short video message which you might share with them at some point.
I would urge all of our families to continue to do their very best to protect themselves and each other in the coming weeks, so that we can continue to drive down the numbers and bring about the conditions where we can envisage a safe return to school.
Take care and stay safe,
Enda McGorman