Annual Book Fair
Dear parents,
Annual Book Fair
The school will be holding its Annual Book Fair from Monday, 7th March to Friday, 11th March. Thankfully this year, our Book Fair will be different to last which was done entirely on-line. This year we are offering a hybrid Book-Fair: We are combining the benefits of online with face-to-face.
How it will be offered
The Book Fair will take place in the library, where our children will be able to handle the books and make their choices with their classmates. The books will then be delivered to your child’s classroom.
Benefits of hybrid format
While this Online hybrid format for our Book Fair is a new experience for us this year, it does come with added benefits-
· Children can browse the selection of books at their leisure in school and from the comfort of their own homes – the Fair will be open 24 hours!
· Easy to use online payment system.
· Age graded website to make it easy to navigate the catalogue.
· Children can fill in a ‘Wish List’ in school and bring it home to you before you make your purchase.
· To mark World Book Day all children in Ireland receive a token worth €1.50 against the cost of any book. To facilitate this online, parents can take €1.50 off the cost of the book when ordering. One book token per child.
· Once again this year, for every €100 spent by parents at the Book Fair; the school will receive a donation of €60 worth of goods. We put this money towards supplying books for our classrooms, teachers, support rooms, class libraries, novel sets, read-aloud books, graded readers and guided reading sets. We look forward to expanding our selection of books in our beautiful library space also. Therefore, your children will benefit both at home and in school from the Book Fair.
Payment Options
Children will have two payment options: -
- bring money to school to make their purchase
- pay directly online to the book company
How to Browse:
To browse, visit the online link:
Choosing a Book: My Book Fair Wish List
When children have made a decision on which books they would like to purchase, they fill out their ‘My Book Fair Wish List’ and bring it home to their parents.
Parents can review their choices, and when they have decided on their final purchase, they complete the parent section of the ‘Wish-List’ and make a payment online, or send cash back in with their child to school.
Bring your Wish-List Back to School to Get Your Books!!
It is important that children bring their Wish-List back to school, so that we can fill the order and give them their books.
- If you have paid online, make sure to include your online reference number on the wish list.
- If your child is paying by cash, they will still need to have the Wish List completed, in order to get their books!
Online Payments link
This is operated by the Book Company- it does not come through Aladdin!
To pay for books online, follow this link:
When you pay online you will be given a reference number which your child needs to include on their Wish-List and bring back into school to collect his/her chosen book.
And finally…..!
As a Senior School we encourage independent reading and reading for fulfillment and enjoyment. We equip children in our care with a lifelong love of learning. We would encourage parents to promote your child’s independent reading and choice in viewing the Book Fair as an opportunity to support the positive approach of the school.
If you need any further information, please do not hesitate to contact the school.
Best Wishes,
Enda McGorman