Catholic Schools Week
Dear parents,
Today marks the beginning of Catholic Schools Week.
This year, we are celebrating our 20th anniversary as a school. This week gives us an opportunity to reflect on the values and the ethos that makes our school such a special place to learn and to work. Over the years, we have strived to put our school in the heart of the community which we serve. As a Catholic school, we have been able to deepen that partnership with our community by working closely with our parish. We celebrate that connection throughout this week, with the very appropriate theme: ‘Living Life to the Full!’
As we adapt to the many challenges and changes that the COVID-19 pandemic has caused, we are given the opportunity to reflect on the things that give our lives meaning:
For some, it is family, friends, community sports or hobbies. As Christians, our lives also draw meaning from God’s love, and a desire to know and love him more. This week we reflect upon how Catholic schools are communities where we live life to the full.
As a Catholic school, we foster the holistic development of our pupils; we promote their wellbeing and encourage them to learn and nurture their talent and skills. Each child has the potential to change the world for the better, making it a kinder, more inclusive and more welcoming place.
This week, we celebrate the gifts and talents we have in following Jesus’ teaching. This year, we celebrate how we are called to be communities of faith and resilience, through our thoughts, words and actions. In doing so, we follow the words of Jesus in John’s Gospel:
‘I have come that you may have life, and have it to the full.’
As our society begins to open up after the restrictions of Covid-19, and new possibilities for meeting again and re-engaging with each other emerge, we look forward to the promise of ‘living life to the full!’
Take care, and best wishes to all in the Mary, Mother of Hope family!
Enda McGorman