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Helping to Plant One Million Trees!

We were very excited when we heard the news that we would be helping to play our part in fighting climate change by planting tree saplings in Hunters Run.

Easy Tressie’s school representative Orla Farrelly got in touch with us and we came in to school last Thursday prepared with wellies, shovels, gloves and watering can!

Easy Tressie’s goal is to plant one million trees in Ireland by the end of 2023. So far this year they have planted 343,900 and by small break last Thursday we helped raise that number to 344,050!

We started by meeting Orla and walked to Hunters Run. We then met a tree expert from Holland named Frankie. Frankie flew in from Holland that morning and he told us all about his work planting trees in Holland and Germany. It was really interesting.

Later this week he is to continue his work in Italy. We learnt the importance of trees to our planet and how trees absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen, helping to purify air. They’re also home to thousands of types of insects, birds, mammals, and plants. They also look very beautiful and we need to plant more trees in our locality.

A team of Fingal County council workers were on hand to guide us with our planting and then the hard work began. We worked hard for forty minutes but we enjoyed every minute and were all smiling.

At the end of our 40 minutes we planted 250 trees but our work will not stop there as we will care for them later in the year during the summer months and in the years ahead. It was a day we will always remember!

Written by Claudia Costello

Mr. O’Cearra’s Class


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