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Message from Mr McGorman

Dear parents,

I am delighted that this is my final Friday evening message for our pupils ahead of their return to school!!

It has been a long road for them to work remotely from home, and we can’t wait to have them back in school on Monday.

They have worked so hard and deserve every credit for their engagement, persistence and perseverance. They have learned to work more independently, creatively and using IT in many different ways- and I know that these skills will stand to them into the future.

I want to say a special congratulations to Jamie and Alex Clare for their 5K sponsored run this morning for their sister. I have included a short clip of them in my video message.

As I said to you in my note yesterday, parents will be required to complete a Return to School Declaration ahead of their children coming back to school. This will be sent out on Aladdin on Sunday afternoon at 3pm. All parents are required to complete this form- please make sure to look out for the form on Aladin on Sunday Afternoon.

Finally, can I wish you all the very best for a great weekend. Continue to stay safe, look out for one another and we will see your children back safely in school on Monday morning!

Enda McGorman


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