Supporting Children Wearing Masks/face Coverings
Supporting Children Wearing Masks/face Coverings
We have had very strong support for wearing face coverings since they were introduced two weeks ago. We are very proud at how quickly our pupils have adapted to the challenge of wearing face coverings, and the understanding they have shown. They are to be commended for this.
We have prepared an information video for parents and pupils on how to wear face coverings in school. We are asking all parents to view this video and to note its contents.
The link to the video is here:
We will continue to support our pupils in this endeavour, and would ask for all parents to offer their support as well. A few practical considerations which parents are asked to keep in mind:
Children should come on to the school campus wearing their face covering
If using cotton, reusable face coverings, make sure they are washed and cleaned regularly at a high temperature
Children can bring spare face coverings to school these should be stored in a ziplock bag, or other container in their schoolbag
If you wish to have your child exempted from wearing a face covering, please contact the school by email at:
Enda McGorman