Celebrating International Women’s Day
International Women’s Day is an annual celebration that reflects on the contributions made to society by women all over the world.
This year, International Women’s Day has been given the theme of ‘Break The Bias’.
Its aim is to call attention to ensuring that women are treated equally in the workforce, represented appropriately in governing bodies and have the same opportunities as their male counterparts.
There’s also a particular focus on women from ethnic minority groups and these biases described.
Take the opportunity today to reflect on these issues and celebrate the contribution of women to society.
One way to celebrate International Women’s Day with your child is by asking then to appreciate the girls and women in their life. This might be a mum, stepmother, sister, aunt, teacher – anyone-! to reflect on how and why they are important in your life- and if you get the opportunity, to say thank you!
Happy International Women's Day to everyone in our School Community!!