Football Final in Parnell Park
We are delighted to inform you that the boys on our Senior Football Team have reached the Final of their championship and will be representing the school in Parnell Park on Tuesday next the 16th May.
This is a great achievement for the team and we must send our full congratulations to the children involved and to their mentors Mr. O’Cearra and Ms. P. Dunne.
To mark this achievement, we will be asking the children in 5th and 6th class to come with us to Parnell Park on the day to support the boys.
We have attempted to keep the costs to an absolute minimum.
The price is as follows: €5 each, including €2 Entrance Fee to Parnell Park
The busses will leave the school at 9:45am on Tuesday morning. They will leave Parnell Park at approximately 12:30 pm and return to the school by 1:30.
Children should come to school on the day in their school tracksuits.
They should bring a drink, a packed lunch and rain gear. They may also bring a treat with their lunch!
We wish the boys the very best on the day!