Confirmation Day
Confirmation takes place in the Church of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, Huntstown, at 11 o’clock on Saturday the 10th March.
Candidates preparing for confirmation are asked to be in the church for 10:30am, in order to ensure that they are dressed in their robes and that they and their sponsors are seated in their correct positions for the start of the Mass.
Seating arrangements: The confirmation candidates will be seated in the front seats of the church. Their sponsors will be seated in the rows behind them. The remaining seats will be available for parents. The church has a capacity for 400 people. We have over 80 children making Confirmation. When we include parents and sponsors, this brings the total to over 320. When we include the choir, staff and parish helpers, it will be clear to everyone that we do not have any capacity for any other guests on the day.
We would ask parents to understand that we cannot accommodate other guests, including brothers and sisters, in the church and would appreciate your co-operation in this regard. The service will be at least an hour and a half in duration.