Election of Parent Representatives to the Board of Management
Dear Parents,
I wish to draw your attention to an important meeting that will take place in the hall of the Junior School on Monday, October 22nd at 7:30 p.m. At this meeting, three parents’ nominees will be elected to the Board of Management of both the Junior and Senior schools – one father for the Junior School and one father and one mother for the Senior school.
This election is necessary because of vacancies that have arisen on both boards. I would like to take this opportunity to thank all of previous board members for the wonderful contribution they have made to our schools over the last number of years.
The Board of Management is the body which has the responsibility for the governance of the school. As such, it is a very important body, and the parent representatives occupy a crucial role on the Board of Management. Further information is contained on the attached information sheet. Parents are asked to read this carefully.
I would especially like to draw your attention to the following matters in relation to the election of parent representatives to the Board of Management:
Only parents present at the meeting can nominate another parent to the Board of Management.
Only parents present on the night of the meeting can be nominated to the Board of Management
Only parents present on the night can vote, if elections are called.
Yours sincerely,
Alma Moran Enda McGorman
Principal Principal
Mary Mother of Hope JNS Mary Mother of Hope SNS
Oct 11th 2018