Sunday Message for Week ahead!
Good evening everyone, I hope that you are all well on this fine Summer’s evening!
This week marks Intercultural Week in the school. Many of the activities planned for the week have an intercultural them.
They include:
Design a ‘Many Cultures, One Community’ poster for our school. Take a picture of your poster and post it to the Whole School Intercultural Week Padlet. We will have prizes for each class level.
Show Your Colours to the World Day on Thursday a chance to dress up in your National or County or Club colours. Involve all of the family if you can! We are setting up a joint padlet between the Junior School and the Senior school- Take a photo and post it on our padlet and show your colours to the world!!!.
We send our best wishes to everyone in the Islamic community in our school, who are celebrating Eid this week-end! We hope that you have a very enjoyable family experience!
I have attached a short video message for the children. Please pass it on to hem at your convenience.
Enda McGorman