Annual School Book Fair
Dear Parents,
We are delighted to announce that we will be holding our Annual Book Fair from Monday, 27th February to Friday, 3rd March.
This year, our Book Fair will look a little different again as it will take place in a hybrid format!
The children will be invited to view the books in school and they have two options:
- to pay for them at home online
- or purchase them in school.
Once purchased. the books will then be delivered to your child’s classroom.
Our Online hybrid format for our Book Fair comes with added benefits-
Children can browse the selection of books at their leisure in school and from the comfort of their own homes – the Fair will be open 24 hours!
Easy to use online payment system with free delivery.
Age graded website to make it easy to navigate the catalogue.
Children can fill in a ‘Wish List’ in school and bring it home to you before you make your purchase.
Your child will be brought to the Book Fair during school time by their class teacher.
Once again this year, for every €100 spent by parents at the Book Fair; the school will receive a donation of €50 worth of books. We put this money towards supplying books for our classrooms, teachers, support rooms, class libraries, novel sets, read-aloud books, graded readersand guided reading sets. We look forward to expanding our selection of books in our beautiful library space also. Therefore, your children will benefit both at home and in school from the Book Fair.
Instruction on How to Browse Books:
To browse books, follow the link:
To pay for books: Click on ‘shop now’
Password: 20137P
When prompted, select your school : Mary Mother of Hope Sen
When you pay online your child’s book will be delivered to their classroom labelled in sealed bags securely.
As a Senior School we encourage independent reading and reading for fulfillment and enjoyment. We equip children in our care with a lifelong love of learning. We would encourage parents to promote your child’s independent reading and choice in viewing the Book Fair as an opportunity to support the positive approach of the school.