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Arrangements for Confirmation 2021

Dear parents,

I hope that you are well and that your child is settling into post-primary school!

Arrangements for Confirmation 2021

I am pleased to pass on to you details of arrangements for the receipt of the sacrament of Confirmation for the parish, which was deferred due to Covid-19.

The priests in the parish and the parish team have put in a huge amount of work and planning into the preparations for the celebration of the sacrament and we are grateful to them for their work.

Confirmation for the past pupils of Mary, Mother of Hope School will be celebrated on Saturday the 9th October in the Sacred Heart Church, Huntstown.

Times for Confirmation Masses

There will be two Masses on the day, with two classes at each Mass, at the following times:

Ms. Horan’s class & Ms. Dunne’s class: 12 noon

Mr. Lally’s class & Ms. Greene/Molloy’s class: 2pm

Covid-19 Prevention Measures in place

The parish team have asked me to inform parents that the celebration of Confirmation will be organized with strict Covid-19 prevention measures in place. These include the following provisions:

- No more than 4 people in the Confirmation party:

o 1 Confirmation candidate

o 1 Sponsor

o 2 Parents

- Masks must be worn by everyone at all times inside the church

- No other family members can be facilitated in the church on the day

The parish team will be in contact with parents in due course with further information. If you require any further information, please contact the parish office.

I am delighted that the arrangements are now in place for the sacrament and wish you and your child well in their preparations. Nearer Confirmation day, I will send out a video explaining the different elements of the Mass, so that Confirmation candidates are fully prepared for the day.

I look forward to seeing you again on Confirmation Day,

Warmest regards,

Enda McGorman


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