Changes to School Calendar
Dear parents,
I want to bring the following to your attention in relation to the school Calendar for the remainder of the school year:
Half Day Closure for Staff Training
School will close for all children in the Junior and Senior schools on June 2nd at 12.00.
This is to facilitate the final session of staff training in the New Primary Language Curriculum for this academic year.
Both schools will also be closed on June 3rd and 6th for the June Bank Holiday. We look forward to seeing everyone back in school on June 7th at 8.50.
2. 6th Class Graduation
Sixth Class Graduation will take place on Tuesday the 28th June at 11am. We are delighted that our graduation ceremony will be live and in-person. I will write to 6th class parents nearer the time with further details.
3. Summer Holidays
The school year ends for all children on June 30th at 12.00 and the new academic years begins for all children in both schools on September 1st 2022.
Many thanks & kind regards,
Enda Mc Gorman