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Collection of Textbooks from the School

Collection of Textbooks from the School

Our teachers have been in school on Monday and Tuesday packing text books for their classes. We are asking parents collect these books on Thursday and Friday of this week, following the timetable below. There are quite a number of books to be collected, so we advise that you bring a shopping bag with you to assist in carrying them home.

Plan for coming to the school

Parents will be asked to the school at the time and day allocated below, starting with the oldest children in 6th class and moving down through the school.

Parents can also collect younger sibling’s packs at this time too.

The packs will be available in the Community Centre, with a one-way system in operation. While staff will be there to assist in the process, your child’s teacher may not be there at your allocated time.

Health and Safety Considerations

While we are returning these books to facilitate your child’s learning, we ask you to be aware that we are doing so at a time when infection rates are extremely worrying. Therefore we must insist that all visitors to the school obey strict public health guidance.

• These collections will be contactless and in the interest of everyone’s health and safety, we ask you to please follow these guidelines:

• We ask that parents, not children, come to the school to collect the packs. Where possible, parents should not bring children with them.

• Pedestrian access only will be available at these times.

• Please only come to collect your child’s books at the allocated time.

• Please ensure that social distancing is maintained at all times.

• Please sanitise your hands on entering the school hall.

• There will be a one way system in place on the campus and staff will be on the school

grounds to direct parents safely to and from the collection point, please follow their directions.

Face Coverings Mandatory

All visitors to the school must wear a face covering. Access to the school will be denied to visitors not wearing a face covering . If you have been given an exemption from wearing a face covering, please email the school in advance at

If you are not in a position to come to the school at these times to collect your child’s books or if, for health and safety reasons you need to drive to the campus please let us know by emailing us at and we will arrange an alternative time for you. If you have any concerns about any of the above, please let us know.

We must emphasize the importance of maintaining social distancing while on the campus and following the instructions of staff at all times.

Take care and stay safe,

Enda McGorman

Timetable for the Collection of Books & Materials

Thursday 14th January

Time / Teacher / Class

9.45am-10.15am Ms Greene/Ms Molloy 6th Class

10.15am-10:45am Ms Horan 6th Class

10.45am -11.15pm Ms. P. Dunne 6th Class

11.15pm- 11.45pm Mr Lally 6th Class

11:45pm-12:15 pm Mr Curtin 5th Class

12.15pm - 12.45pm Ms Boyle 5th Class

12.45pm- 1.15pm Ms. Leech 5th Class

1.15pm -1.45pm Ms. Clerkin 5th Class

Friday 15th January

Time / Teacher / Class

9.15am - 9.45am Mr. McGeough 4th Class

9.45am - 10.15am Ms Goodwin 4th Class

10.15am - 10.45am Ms McKenna/ Ms. Oakes 4th Class

10.45am - 11.15am Mr. Nolan 4th Class

11.15am - 11.45pm Ms L. Dunne 3rd Class

11.45pm - 12.15pm Ms. A.McCarthy 3rd Class

12.15pm- 12.45pm Mr. O’Cearra 3rd Class

12.45pm- 1.15pm Ms. McKeown 3rd Class

Contact Us

Many Cultures, One Community.

 Mary Mother Of Hope SNS. 


Tel: 01 812 8693



Mary Mother Of Hope Senior National School, Littlepace, Dublin 15. Eircode D15 PH93

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