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Dignity in the Workplace

Dignity in the Workplace

The Board of Management also re-affirmed its commitment to Dignity in the Workplace and asked me to draw the attention of the entire school community to the key principles of Dignity in the Workplace which operate in our school.

This school is committed to a positive work environment where staff work in an atmosphere of respect, collaboration, openness and equality. Adult bullying and harassment will not be tolerated by this school. All employees have the right to be treated with dignity and respect. Equally, the board of management has an obligation to protect staff from bullying or harassment in the workplace.

What is Workplace Bullying and Harassment?

The Board of Management defines adult bullying as repeated inappropriate behaviour, direct or indirect, whether verbal, physical or otherwise, conducted by one or more persons against another or others, at the place of work and/or in the course of employment, which could reasonably be regarded as undermining the individual's right to dignity at work.

A key characteristic of bullying is that it usually takes place over a period of time, it is regular and persistent inappropriate behavior, which is specifically targeted at one employee or a group of employees.

It is recognised that bullying and harassment complaints may arise among work colleagues but may also arise in relation to visitors to the school, including parents. In either case, the commitment to a positive workplace, where dignity at work is respected, prevails.

Duty of Care

Management has a duty of care towards employees and seeks to be proactive in exercise this duty of care. Together we are committed to building and maintaining a work environment where respectful, open and equal relationships are the norm.

As a board, we are committed to having a good and safe place to work, where every individual’s dignity is respected. We ask all members of the school community to lend their full support to this endeavour.

Anita Diggin,


Board of Management


Contact Us

Many Cultures, One Community.

 Mary Mother Of Hope SNS. 


Tel: 01 812 8693



Mary Mother Of Hope Senior National School, Littlepace, Dublin 15. Eircode D15 PH93

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