As you are all aware Mr McGorman is leaving Mary Mother of Hope at the midterm to take up a position as education advisor with CPSMA. While we are very sad to see him leave, we are delighted for him to have this wonderful and exciting opportunity.
Mr McGorman’s principalship began when the school opened in prefabricated buildings on September 3rd, 2001. As the first principal of Mary Mother of Hope and after twenty-two years of service to our school and the Littepace community, we have organised a number of events outlined below. These events will take place the week beginning October 23rd to celebrate and commemorate Mr McGorman’s time in Mary Mother of Hope.
We have also included details of Halloween dress up day and celebrations in our school on Friday 27th October for your information.
Tuesday 24th October
Whole School Mass
On Tuesday 24th October we will have a whole school mass for Mr McGorman in our parish church, Sacred Heart Church Huntstown. We are delighted to welcome back Fr. Eugene McCarthy, the first chairperson of our Board of Management and are very grateful that he has agreed to say the mass, in honour of Mr. McGorman,
Thursday 26th October
PA Farewell Mr. McGorman Coffee Morning: Parent Invite
On Thursday 26th October at 9am, the parents’ association have very kindly organised a Farewell Mr. McGorman Coffee Morning for all parents past and present. This will take place in the Senior School Hall. All parents are invited to attend. Please pass on the word to parents of past pupils too. Parents are also invited to join us in the yard, on the morning of Thursday 26thOctober to say goodbye to McGorman at 8.50am.
Whole School Assembly
We will also have a whole school assembly on Thursday 26th October. This will be the children’s opportunity to say goodbye and thank you to Mr McGorman. The boys and girls have been working very hard in recent weeks to wish Mr McGorman well at their assembly.
Friday 27th October
Halloween Dress Up Day
On Friday 27th October, we return to our normal celebrations at this time of the year -our Halloween Dress Up day. Children are invited to wear Halloween costumes to school for the day.
Movie Afternoon
As part of our Halloween celebrations, the children from 6th class are organising a “Movie Afternoon” on Friday, October 27th to help raise money towards their end of year celebration event.
On Friday, each individual classroom will turn into a “cinema” where the children can watch a movie with their friends!
The Cost: €2 for the Movie Afternoon.
Treat Bag: Children can order a treat-bag of a mixture of sweets from their teacher for an additional cost of €1 on the day. Children can buy a maximum of two treat bags each.
Pupils from 6th class will be taking orders this week. Children can bring the money for the Cinema and their treats to school any day this week. The children from 6th class would really appreciate your support.
Finally, we are all looking forward to a wonderful week of celebration and remembrance. We hope that all parents can join us on the morning of Thursday 26th October to say farewell and best wishes to Mr. McGorman.