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Getting your Child Ready for Secondary School

Getting your Child ready for Secondary School

We have been preparing our pupils for their transition to postprimary school for a number of weeks now. An important part of that transition program is a special talk that we organise annually for the parents of 6th class pupils by Clare Ryan.

Clare Ryan is the former Principal of St. Leo’s College, Carlow and is currently the CEO of CEIST secondary school trust.

Clare has many years of experience as principal of a secondary school and in working with parents, helping to support them in the job of bringing up and educating their children. We would encourage all of our 6th class parents to attend. This is always a very informative and enlightening evening.

We are delighted that the talk will take place in person this year in the school library, on Monday next, the 13th June, at 7:30 pm.

I will send a permission link on Aladdin for parents to confirm that they wish to attend the meeting.

We look forward to seeing all 6th class parents there!

Best wishes,

Enda McGorman


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