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Important Public Health Message from HSE

Dear parents,

As you may be aware from recent media reports, there has been a large increase in general viral infections among children and young people this winter.

There have also been recent concerns about a rare bacterial infection. This infection is iGAS (an invasive Group A Streptococcal infection).

The Public Health Department in the HSE has asked me to share an information letter with parents. It concerns important information and advice for parents. This letter went home to parents today on Aladdin.

Please read it carefully.

The HSE have asked me to draw your attention to one particular piece of advice:


Important messages for families and children regarding any infections:

The most important measure is to stay home if you are unwell.

Many children might have a runny nose or a slight cough in winter season. However, if a child is feeling unwell they should be at home. For example, they may have:

• fever

• cough, and

• sore throat

They should stay at home until those symptoms have finished.


The HSE have emphasised that this is an important public health concern, and we would ask everyone to co-operate with us in preventing infection in our schools and our communities.

Best wishes,

Enda McGorman


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