Talk for Parents on Relationships and Sexuality Education (RSE)
Dear Parents,
A central part of the school’s work in promoting the health and well being of the children in its care is a programme of Social, Personal and Health Education (S.P.H.E.) S.P.H.E aims to give children clear information, build their self-esteem, help them to communicate, make decisions and express feelings in a clear way. Topics included in S.P.H.E are Healthy Eating, Alcohol and Substance Misuse Prevention, Safety and Health education.
Relationship and Sexuality Education (RSE) is an integral part of Social, Personal and Health Education. RSE provides children with structured opportunities to develop the knowledge, attitudes, values, beliefs and practical skills necessary to establish and sustain healthy personal relationships as children and, subsequently, as adults.
A facilitator from Accord, which is an organisation with a track record in the field, will provide a talk which explains the programmes used in our school from 4th -6th class. I wish to take this opportunity to invite the parents of children in 4th class and any parents in 5th and 6th class who have not previously attended this talk, to a ZOOM MEETING on Tuesday 18th January 2022. The talk will cover:
Information on the programme.
Input on the area of adolescence.
Parenting the teenager/adolescent.
Input on coping skills.
Opportunity to discuss issues with the facilitator and other parents.
The parent talk is a very important part of the School Programme and assists both school and parents by encouraging dialogue on what can be a sensitive subject. I urge all parents to come online to the talk as it can also be of assistance in the area of parent/child relationships. To attend the talk, you must first register online. The details are as follows:
ZOOM Meeting Details:
You are invited to a Zoom meeting with ACCORD Dublin
When: Jan 18, 2022 19:00 Dublin
Topic : RSE Parent Talk
Register in advance for this meeting:
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.
Thank you for your continued support and I look forward to seeing you all there!
Yours sincerely,
Enda Mc Gorman.
School Principal.